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GCSE and A Level PE Quality Resources.
GCSE Sports Word Clouds

GCSE Sports Word Clouds

GCSE Sports Word Clouds on a PowerPoint presentation and on a PDF which can be printed as posters. The sports are athletics, badminton, basketball, climbing,cricket, cycling, football, golf, gymnastics, handball, hockey, lacrosse, netball, orienteering, rounders, rugby, skiing, softball, squash, swimming, table-tennis, tennis, trampolining and volleyball.
PE Literacy - Physical Fitness

PE Literacy - Physical Fitness

A powerpoint with 121 Key words with definitions for Physical Fitness on colour slides that can be printed out for display purposes or used as a hyper-linked revision tool.
Teaching the Throws in Athletics

Teaching the Throws in Athletics

4 Resources
Teaching resource includes everything to teach the Shot, Discus, Javelin and Hammer. Perfect for teaching safe athletics lessons to beginners with progressions for the more advanced. The resource also includes basic throwing fundamentals to be used as starters in your lesson.